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Parent Café Podcast
Township of Edison,
Alberta, Canada
How Covid is Changing Parent / Teacher Roles
FB Live interview by
Erica Ehm from YMC
Homeschooling Teens: it's All About R.A.P.
Canadian Homeschooler Conference Presentation
What If I Have to Homeschool Again?!
FB Live with Lara Wellman from Kids in the Capital
FB Live with
YMC's Erica Ehm
"How To Survive The School Year!"
We Are Worldschoolers
Live interview with
Lainie Liberti from
CBC Ottawa
interviewed for online article
"How Your Family Can Make the Most of this Time at Home"
Fresh Legal Law Firm
interviewed for
"Tips from an Expert"
Kids in the Capital
Presented Webinar "Unexpected Homeschooling:
A How To Workshop and Q&A"
What She Said radio
interviewed about "Unexpected Homeschooling" during a pandemic
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